
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This one here is a Haiku poem that really blew me off. Haiku poems have really short verses, that convey a depth of meaning. And what's more, this one is from Fight Club!

The Worker bees can leave their nests,
the Drones can fly away...
the Queen is their slave.

Mindblowing. God bless the Communists :)


Vinay said...

I repeat a friend's question, why should fightclub be every guy's favorite movie?

CkisgoD said...

first time i saw Fight Club... i was half drowsy n it really didn hav much of an impact. i watched it simply cuz i had the dvd, no motivation at all.

all it did was giv me a broader view on nihilism.. on how humans cling on to hope even wen the whole system's gone to rot. and in nihilism, lay my salvation. :)

Vinay said...

Well, maybe because I saw it once with a butt-load of interruptions I feel the same way you did bout the movie at first. And probably I slept thru midway cuz Id int understand how an alter ego alone dies when the actual guy shoots himself in the jaw. Ah wtf, I still watched it :D

CkisgoD said...

he tears his cheek in an exit wound, and the shock clears his head of the illusion that is Tyler Durden.

the world could do with a maniac like that right now... maybe if i wer crazy enough, i'd do it :D

Vinay said...

Yeah, like Anees Says, One has to watch it quite a few times to understand it i guess.

CkisgoD said...

yeah it takes some time to hit you...

Vinay said...

Yeah and I guess we really can do with someone like that..I think the part I enjoyed most bout the movie was that gig bout Human fat in Liposuction clinics...lol that was hilarious